243 words How can one know that what's written in the bible is true (or divinely inspired as far as can be with human error) 1,457 words Jesus can't be the Messiah. 958 words Argument from future temple sacrifices 379 words Jesus did not Fulfill the Messianic Prophecies 114 words Non-Catholic Christians who claim there is sufficient evidence to believe in the resurrection ought to believe in the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima 574 words Three Perfectly Reasonable Natural Explanations for the Empty Tomb 1,238 words Paul had a vision 164 words For Christians who believe that actual belief in Christ's divinity is required for salvation: how do you explain Luke 10 and 18 1,150 words An Appeal to Softer Evidence For and Against God, or: The Argument from Jelly Beans 196 words Greed is necessary and shouldn't be suppressed 234 words Santa Claus is, for all intents and purposes, treated the same as a false god 134 words Satan? 213 words Christianity & Morality 144 words The problem of animal suffering undermine the existence of all-powerful and all-loving God 175 words The demons that possess the Gerasene Demoniac in Mark 5:1-20 are the spirits of the Giants begotten by the Watchers 289 words The idea of sin and redemption is logically irreconcilable with the idea of an omnipotent God, and the basic tenets of Christianity are nonsensical (warning: thorough) 148 words Weekly Ask a Christian : March 05, 2018 294 words I think I found some discrepancies with the whole homosexuality debate and the Christian points 213 words Thoughts on Galen Stawson's Argument Against Free Will Defenses 342 words Why do Christians care about abortion?