114 words I Don't Understand Authoritarians 332 words If the alt right despises multiculturalism do they despise all minorities living there? 153 words Christian alt righters, how do you reconcile with the premise that God gave every sub species of human an invaluable soul? How do you not find it insulting that God views you as equal to a pygmy or an australian abo? 136 words I was assaulted by a Leftist this evening... 142 words How would you feel if your kids dated outside their race? 221 words Why does it bother you so much when white women have kids by non-white men? 127 words The dichotomy of left/right wing politics 237 words On the recent influx of brigaders and how dumb these people really are 216 words An old newspaper talking about the contemporary Bolshevik attempt in attacking the Church immediately (accurately) equated it with the failure of the French Revolutions "Cult of Reason" 119 words How can the average sub-Saharan African IQ of 70 be explained predominantly by genetics when the average African American IQ is 85? 160 words How did it become controversial to want to maintain a white majority in the US? 124 words The vast majority of succesful/hot/rich/popular white men oppose the Alt-Right, how can that be addressed? 431 words Will normies get redpilled when.... 293 words Is debating blacks inherently futile? 521 words Richard Spencer debates Sargon of Akkad. Sargon gets his ass handed to him. Full video in text. 138 words Daily Life in Ethnostate 152 words Does the Alt-Right believe in women's rights? 393 words I'm a gay guy - is there anything in it for me to embrace the alt-right? 681 words Racism is anti American 306 words are jews just delusional whites?