344 words Why is the is the state harmful in itself? 221 words Disintegration and anarchism 412 words Anarchism and Marx 176 words How would decision making work on a very large scale? 177 words Anarcho-Primitivism is a terrible idea that will result in apartheid against disabled people 319 words No, a government is not possible under anarchy. 242 words Under anarchism, people will still engage in recreational drug use and that's not a bad thing 135 words On Cuba 215 words Bookchin: Good or Bad? 268 words What do you think about perspective of anarchism in one country, for example Belarus. Is it possible? 141 words The Convervative Anarchist? anarchistnews.org 695 words Capitalism has been credited for putting a halt to centuries of widespread famine. Doesn't this make anarcho-capitalism the more plausible ideology? 230 words How will you keep power structures and hierarchies from arising again? 166 words [CMV] Human society is fundamentally reactionary and irrational above a certain size 137 words Does AnTrans seem like a more “natural” occurrence with modern society than AnPrim? (Along with several questions for AnTrans) 603 words I think "diversity of tactics" is often used as an excuse to defend unnecessary violence 181 words If (capitalist)states are centers of power that only care about their survival, why do they do "good" thing every once in a while, even though doing those things might politically hurt them? 351 words Anti-Work Anarchism AMA 420 words Property & The State 407 words Who gets to make art?