264 words Gave up weed, nicotine and alcohol, made it to 90 days! 451 words People really don’t seem to like me. I’d like to know why. 246 words How do you date after addiction? Do I need therapy first? 145 words How to love myself after a breakup? 146 words How do you come to terms with knowing you’ll never have the family you want? 124 words Self improvement and academia 147 words Finally figured out why everyone swears by exercise for mental health, I feel so silly now. But is it right? 153 words Liking bitter vegetables too. (For context, this is a continuation, not a start. I have already made difficult changes. If you are only starting, that is fine too! I am not just humble-bragging, because my posts definitely looked like baby steps, a few years ago)! 127 words What are some common causes that make people super reactive? I'd like to stop but need to find out why I'm like this in the first place. 139 words I want to be a good lover. 433 words Desperately need to get over driving anxiety. Any help? 168 words Feel like a spiralling young adult, any advice? 301 words Kind of tired trying to set myself on a good track of (health) success. Sometimes I feel like I’m always trying to start over. Tips? 348 words Much less than what i was earning before, but less than a month after getting fired , thankful to have landed a 45k 9-5 job with full benefits in my field that is close to home/WFH 2X a wk. Getting my first apartment too & gonna continue studying to be a doctor. 28F 274 words I quit smoking weed and this is what happened. 148 words Looking for tips on how to be more present with my life 178 words What's stopping you from moving ahead in life ? 302 words I(24M) know life gets insanely horrible after college if you don't get a gf and friends in college but still holding out hope. In my last year of grad school now and taking a classes in a brand new city. How can I meet new people and create brand new life here? 124 words Am I a narcissist? 349 words How does one find happiness with themself? Any advice?