161 words major COVID testing center closed to film a movie starring a TikTok celebrity 137 words Pornhubs twitter account tries to celebrate its wholesome community, multiple accusations of failure to prevent child porn from being posted follow. 124 words Redditors and naming anything that even slightly denies the current narrative a racist dog whistle. The dynamic duo. 106 words Just when you thought tradcath larp zoomers couldn't reach new levels of sexual repression, they state that jerking off is literally the same as abortion 302 words Greta should go to India 220 words r/pics names the cuckold Òvò 183 words Daddy can't decide if he should bomb the shit out of Afghanistan and kill 10 million people. 393 words DJ Shadow - Nobody Speak 167 words Is being attracted to 17-year-old Billie Eilish pedophilia? Twitter discusses. 533 words [Effortpost] /r/TVChernobyl and /r/ChernobylTV are still absolutely seething at each other lmao. 243 words “No, I do not find Asian men attractive,” said Asian waman in front of whole class and it’s during a class where the professor was highlighting how it’s much harder for Asian men in the dating scene. You know who on suicide watch. 124 words Nazi pug man gets a show on BBC Scotland. /r/Scotland cries 156 words r/Anime has meltdown over Reddit enforcing its rules against sexualization of minors and lolicon; moderators write 20+ PARAGRAPH ESSAY asking Reddit to change its policy. 420 words Post confirming that braincels are pedos 136 words LSC gets very angry at based radical centrist sticker company 122 words Welfare-American of r/antiwork hates life and of course working, gets reasonable suggestions on how to improve his life, but instead rants incoherently. 116 words Everyone's favorite Bully Hunter, Nati, gets upset when her long time pedophile friend gets outed for trying to rape a child and people mock her for it. Proceeds to defend showing her tits to children in replies. 130 words You see this. What do you do? 789 words Pedophilles whine about consent. 102 words Closing the sub for a joke wasn't OK.