285 words Chelsea Manning running for Senate 285 words Bash the Fasc 226 words Glory to the Soviet people! 129 words This is Philip "Mitch" Brailsford. He acts as the strong arm of the owning class, formerly in Mesa, AZ. A year ago he executed someone. Today he was found not guilty of murder by the bourgeois justice system. 325 words Why Weinstein Isn't A Hollywood Problem, It's A Men Problem - Some News 215 words IMPERIALIST ARMY MEMBERS ARE NOT ALLOWED 180 words Social Justice Warrior. If you vote this up, it will show up on Google Images when people Google search for Social Justice Warrior. 597 words why is this meme not more popular 208 words The more you know 631 words Mao whenever he sees y'all putting MLM/Maoism as Authoritarian Left 1,764 words Krampus. If you vote this up, it will show up on Google Images when people Google search for Krampus. 1,764 words Krampus. If you vote this up, it will show up on Google Images when people Google search for Krampus. 1,160 words Flawed system. If you vote this up, it will show up on Google Images when people Google search for flawed system. 320 words Happy veteran's day 169 words I think now's a good time to remind /r/all about the real outcome of tomorrow's election 1,460 words COMRADES, 99 YEARS AGO THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION WERE SEIZED. LET'S SHOW /R/ALL THAT WE CAN DO IT AGAIN! 416 words What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little ancap? 804 words I'm an Anarcho-Communist, Roast Me 213 words Capitalists hate him 452 words Lets show /r/all the true beauty of Communism.