243 words Never go to a "life coach" 462 words Weekly FDS Check-in 114 words Too many Pickmeisha’s are levelling up on their looks and not their mentality. It changes nothing except giving more men the illusion of choice. 262 words This is ‘modern masculinity’ in a nutshell lmaooo declining birth rates tell us you aren’t in demand ‘bro’ 136 words This Scrote on Psychology Today has “concluded” that size doesn’t matter ladies! 547 words Why BDSM is the worst idea, personal experience 252 words What Is FDS position on Matchmakers? 189 words Andrea Dworkin had it exactly right (quote from "Woman Hating") 168 words All the emotional labor, organizing and managing being pushed on the woman, who would have known? This is why multiple partners are not beneficial for women, instead of one man baby, she now has two of them. 134 words Who else can relate? My last ex once ranted at me for 19 minutes straight without taking a breath. 146 words Being groomed by an older man is not “empowering” (translation in comments) 306 words The backlash that FDS gets, both on and off Reddit, proves that society is committed to keeping women in unsatisfactory relationships to the benefit of men 179 words Would you consider her a pickme ? I feel like I understand her message but it seems like she’s using this for validation given the men in her comments... 180 words Never let anyone shame you for taking precautions! 331 words Modern relationships in a nutshell 205 words Forgive yourself if you can't follow FDS principles perfectly. It's okay to slip up as long as you recognize your mistakes and you vow to do better next time. 337 words Porn destroys childhoods 156 words Back to the FDS Basics for anyone new here 236 words Male lurkers. The kids are 100% YOURS. don't ever call me :) 139 words Any man who aspires to be a “house husband” (even joking) is LVM