185 words HVM and Hobbies 183 words Why attractive women are single? 157 words Thought I’d make something. 146 words Yes Ladies, You CAN be raped and not realize it until weeks later: A Profile of a Graypist 155 words If he doesn’t want to take you out on a date, he probably thinks you’re not worth it/“ugly” 111 words When you put 60+ hours of prep into your bf's birthday, only for your toxic bf to whine about how nO oNe NeeDs hIm. I don't really understand why men do toxic shit like this and spoil things for themselves, when their girlfriends already pour their life and soul into their relationship. 330 words Weekly FDS Chat, Check-In, Quick Questions Answered 3/7/2020 336 words I’ve never felt protected by a man before in my entire life. I would like that feeling of being provided for and protected. Anyone else feeling the same? 175 words Can't even stand in an elevator without a man throwing a temper tantrum. 134 words Fuck. We’ve been found out. Ladies, we need to restrategize ASAP! They’re onto us. 177 words Small things your HVM does to demonstrate he puts you first? 131 words Why do women believe they should hide their husbands toxic abusive behavior from their children? 180 words Maybe Marriage Isn’t For Me. 164 words Never met a straight guy who wanted to be my friend without some intention 402 words If y’all could live in any decade then what would it be and why? 199 words Funny how men can dish it, but can't take it 111 words sHe CaN cOnTrOl HeR wEiGhT bUt I cAnT cOnTrOl mY hEiGhT 244 words HVM with ? traits or baggage 175 words Weekly FDS Chat, Check-In, Quick Questions Answered (Jan 20th 2020) 259 words Anyone else here not actively dating/hooking up and not planning to ?