128 words Is Tehlu the leader of the Sithe? Are Demons and Dancers the same thing? Is Selitos the Cthaeh? Are Encanis and Iax the same person? . . . These connections will BLOW your mind! 315 words Well this is an interesting read… (retweeted by Pat Rothfuss) 268 words Shehyn's Story about the Rhinta - Observations & Theory 305 words I love how kvothe comes across as such a film bro, everyone knows Deonica and references it constantly and every single time he's shocked they've heard of it. Like that guy who doesn't believe you've seen pulp fiction or something because it's a "cult classic" and "super obscure" 169 words Just finished NOTW and WMF again, looking for new read 510 words Sexual content in wise man's fear 423 words The Magic System (esp. Sympathy) is Too Overpowered and Temerant is Not How the World Would Organically Grow If It Is Real 362 words Seven and One minus One— how many instances are there? [implicit spoilers] 200 words The Brandon Sanderson Problem (or people, I love you, but we need to stop) 166 words During Patrick Rothfuss’s Fallout 4 play-through, he ordered some pizza. The pizza guy recognizes him 135 words Reminder that the third Stormlight Archive book, Oathbringer, comes out tomorrow! 471 words Man Waiting to Die 334 words Let's play a game 189 words What did Pat do to make everyone so mad? 1,490 words (Spoilers TWMF and TSROST) Book Three, How it's "Finished", and Revisions 198 words (Spoilers TWMF and TSROST) The state of Book Three, how it's "finished", and revisions 276 words (Spoilers TWMF) Siaru, the Fae, and the Mercenary 1,250 words Denna Resembles Meluan Or Kvothe's Mother? 298 words Legal system in the 4 corners? 388 words What would you do if you a sympathetic link to shadow?