188 words I think we broke up 130 words What insecurities did you have before meeting your partner/person? How did things go? 136 words My boyfriend is best friends with his ex girlfriend 824 words My (20F) boyfriend (20M) emotionally cheated on me. I want to fix our relationship, what should I do? (CW: mention of EDs) 146 words Did your partner look the same as how you've pictured in your head? 263 words My parents want my boyfriend from America to meet me in Canada but my boyfriend is a DACA. 219 words bf doesn't open up to me when things bother him 121 words How do people close the gap? 145 words For people who have SO’s in different continents, how long are your stays? And where do you draw a line for minimum days to stay with them? 112 words Is there any advice for how to approach my girlfriend about my feeling of the lack of attention from her? M (18) F (19) 453 words Breakup that feels like a break without a guarantee. I feel heartbroken and hopeless 192 words My partner might move to a different country and I am heartbroken 277 words As our first meeting approaches my partner (M29) is getting more distant 267 words Distance won, I'm falling out of love with my soulmate and I'm absolutely crushed. Don't know how to have that discussion 178 words I got involved in a ldr but it feels impossible to visit my boyfriend as nobody would support me. 130 words Pregnancy in LDR… 185 words First meetup stories 154 words US dating someone from South America- being the sole provider- anyone have experience with this? 151 words At a loss with my (29/f) relationship with 36/m 372 words It's over I think