144 words [D] Simple Questions Thread 152 words [D] What are current alternatives to gradient-based NN training? 485 words [D] Please stop 224 words [D] Looking for a lightweight, simple network that can ingest unorganized pointclouds and produce 6dof poses 174 words [N] 1.5M Prize for Arguing for or Against AI Risk and AI Timelines 370 words [D] The current and future state of AI/ML is shockingly demoralizing with little hope of redemption 148 words [D] Simple Questions Thread 112 words [D] Manipulating class distributions based on holdout test set data...seems wrong, but maybe it's right? 550 words [D] Can I use my own images for VQGAN CLIP generation? 112 words [D] What factors hinder people from studying causal inference in machine learning? 303 words [N] Facebook Apologizes After A.I. Puts ‘Primates’ Label on Video of Black Men 161 words [D] Stupid machine learning/computer vision ideas 124 words [Discussion] Do you feel proud to be part of the ML/DL/AI industry? 115 words [D] Let's start 2021 by confessing to which famous papers/concepts we just cannot understand. 180 words [D] Best way to approach solving this toy problem with ML 149 words [Discussion] PyTorch favors Intel against AMD's rising? 294 words [N] Yann Lecun apologizes for recent communication on social media 155 words [D] Switching optimizers for faster convergence 563 words [N] Google’s Sidewalk Labs Walks Away from Toronto Smart City Project 268 words Facebook AI residency canceled due to COVID-19. [Discussion]