114 words Road trip from Trondheim to Oslo to Stockholm - would this be any fun? 146 words I need help. Medical emergency being a foreign 193 words Cycling in winter 151 words What is something typical Norwegian that annoys you? (slightly satire) 139 words What is something typical Norwegian that annoys you? (slightly satire) 575 words New national budget to introduce study fee for students not from the EEA/EFTA. 133 words Out on a hike and saw a snake, What snake is this ? Is it Poisonous? 113 words Andel leilighet as short/medium term housing? 116 words What CAN you do in the US that you can't do in Norway? 371 words Are there any Norwegians that would like to move to the United States. There’s always a constant flood of people in the United States wanting to move to Norway. Do any Norwegians want or considering moving to United States 154 words Is it worth it to go to Norskfolke museum in oslo without paying the entrance? 142 words Norwegians - tell me whats wrong with your country? 250 words Visiting relatives in Norway 117 words Survey on the Norwegian mentality 126 words People who lived in Norway but moved to another country, do you regret it? 109 words Bodies of two female tourists found in Morocco's High Atlas with signs of sexual assault before the murder present 136 words is Norway family and kid friendly? 148 words How much does widsom tooth extraction cost here in Norway for all 4 teeth?? 118 words Chinese students visit Bergen and write travelogue "Norway is almost perfect". 332 words Question regarding comparisons between Norway's and America's political parties