196 words Manager targeted me because of my family priorities; it cost her her job. 279 words My cousin stole my wedding ring, so I made her homeless (and got my ring back). 137 words UPDATE: Call the police on me? Have your car towed. 182 words "Fairly aggressive" girlfriend stole from my bank account, so I sent her academic career into a nosedive 146 words Don't wanna do your chores son? Well have fun being stuck at home. 730 words My ex tried to screw up my relationship, so I screwed up his entire life 549 words Trashman digs through garbage and gets a nice surprise 246 words My hag of a stepmom gave away my Playstation 4 while I was away in college. So I rent out "her" house while she was on her honeymoon with her newest husband. 138 words Was paid poverty wages, forced out of my dream job, and had my friend come far too close to committing suicide, so I financially wrecked a competitive political campaign and almost cost my bosses control of a state legislature. 132 words Ex-Girlfriend wouldn't let me break the lease so I walked in on her with her new boyfriend. 142 words Shiny day for a train traffic controller 151 words Don't like homeless people in your fast food restaurant? Let's send a few hundred. 136 words Roommate made my life hell, now he's sitting in prison for 15-20 years 1,464 words I got back at my homophobic father by pretending to have a boyfriend and bringing him over for Christmas dinner, causing him to freak out and lose himself in front of the whole family 157 words Litterbug busted 124 words Don’t threaten my credit after giving me bad counseling. 1,377 words revenge is a dish best served over time. (rather long story) 217 words Could of had an amicable divorce, but she chose otherwise, so I fought like hell 124 words Lift my dress up at a party because you got dared to? I'll get you kicked off the lacrosse team. 874 words Mess with my friends? Discriminate with your party's cover fee? I'll get your Halloween party shut down the day before