244 words Has anyone here changed their mind about eating meat after their trip? 293 words Unified Physics will prove all information is everywhere, the fabric of space itself is a holographic plenum 518 words “We are much more suited for dancing than for whatever it is that we have been doing.” - Terence McKenna 166 words If reality is a dream, How do we live our lives? (personal story included) 318 words Taking a different turn from whats normally submitted on this sub. Are you guys happy? 277 words How can you improve the world 312 words One Religion 192 words I heard this sound after smoking DMT... 754 words The weirdest experience of my lifetime (LSD, but I think the substance doesn't really matter in this case). Can somebody please explain what the hell was that? Did somebody experienced something similiar? 284 words Something is opressing the human race 281 words Let's use our ability to imagine to anticipate and/or create the future. (AKA what am I talking about?) 352 words For those who have suffered deep trauma, do you feel it can be overcome/successfully worked through in this life? 337 words Psychedelics could hold the key to treatment of depression 337 words Im interested in the opinion of this sub on more eccentric/esoteric spirituality compared to more direct/essential nature spirituality, stuff like Zen. Thoughts? 352 words Unlocking the potential of Earth : MindCommunication 494 words How do you feel about the 40 hour work week? 927 words 19 year old commits suicide after DEA finds psychedelic drugs in his posession 769 words Has anybody been able to replicate the feeling of mdma through meditation or willpower? 1,083 words Would love to hear some Trip Reports of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds. 325 words Life changing experience