252 words A curiosity. Christians disagree a lot on these issues of engagement with the secular world. Can Calvinists listen to rock and roll, drink alcohol, dance, attend non-Christian parties, etc.? 126 words Why is Islam wrong? 189 words Sound teachers/pastors/ministries to follow 146 words The Rise of Right-Wing Wokeism | Kevin DeYoung’s Review of ‘The Case for Christian Nationalism’ 200 words Good Resources on Facing Death 151 words Can Mark 9:38-40 be used to justify the "ministry" of Todd White? I confronted a friend who is a fan of White and this is what he quoted to justify what White does. Im confused. 151 words Was Christ himself ever truly tempted or did the devil scheme to tempt him? 142 words Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. I need some clarity here. My bf brings it up every time we have an argument. 130 words Husband gets panic attacks from church 270 words Question about making promises to God that I didn’t fulfill. Please help me! 163 words church membership rolls 196 words suicide? Instant ticket to hell? 123 words Why don't people like MacArthur here? 142 words Women voting rights in church 224 words How do you feel about the discourse of mental illness being the result of demonic influence? 129 words Dead Mentor 152 words What is the thing that changed in your life after you learned of God's providence? 257 words Is Cultural Marxism actually a real and imminent threat? 408 words Church discipline? Reaching out to a church I don’t attend? (What is the role of church in extended family issues?) 316 words Robert Jeffress suggests that Tim Keller is a “wimpy Christian” who has “cloaked” his “cowardice in theology”