157 words Where I got scored on from my last 15 games 157 words Got banned for leaving a match after me and my teammate forfeited... Well done Psyonix! 189 words Stopped playing since July (came back shortly in September). No warmup, this was my 5th ranked game. Skill level dropped too much 181 words Any tips on how to get out of Champ? Been gatekept at C3 for months with no progress 363 words I hate the toxic player base of this game. 233 words My 2's partner turned 6 today, so I made him a highlight reel from his last year. Hope you enjoy! 481 words SunlessKhan criticizes the current state of the matchmaking system on Twitter. Do you agree? 141 words Topic; Toxic players are getting out of hand (there is help when you think about suicide). 475 words About to call it quits... too many smurfs 163 words [Rocket League] We’re currently investigating issues with Game Services and Matchmaking within Rocket League. Updates to follow, and go to http://status.epicgames.com for more details. 131 words Trying to win some tourneys but always end up carrying my teammates 130 words Just got to plat. Why does my tm8s (solo q) play like silver players. 130 words New driver challenges gone 206 words Mental Skill Ceiling : My friends are leaving me behind. 133 words Welp.. Guess I got too excited for the new update. 136 words How the new menu would look if they let this sub design it 157 words Psyonix, the Play menu isn't it. 158 words Never tell me the odds.. 304 words Let's speculate about what's coming to Rocket League later this summer | Analysing the Rocket Pass 6 Trailer Goal Explosion 956 words DS4Windows