128 words F***KING RANT MONDAY ☠ (2018.10.15) 134 words [AskRL] People who call me "trash tm8" 30 seconds in, why do you do it? 141 words Open letter: Psyonix, If you want to keep growing rocket league, you need to change. 818 words 20 TIPS for all those who are stuck and want to rank up! 122 words O 141 words Psyonix on RNG crates: "The crate system is meant to be fun and is random!... That’s the exciting part of the crate system, the mystery of it and the possibilities." 144 words The v1.45 Salty Shores Update Issues Megathread 188 words So much bitterness with these rewards, people. Chill. 191 words Why do people get so upset over the season rewards? 128 words Since the moment i started ranked yesterday I was called out for n00b many times! These are the shots i missed. So here it is my “anti n00b goalie list! (6shots so far, and many more to be added soon) 189 words I don't know how to title this. 148 words Started playing again, now on PC, used to play on console, so natural my skill outweighs my level. Just had this guy threatening to report me. Am i actually at risk of being banned? 135 words So I finally made it to diamond. Think I’m out of my skill level. 202 words When was the last time Psyonix addressed matchmaking issues/Smurfing? 292 words People Voting to Forfeit and then Refusing To Play is a Problem 133 words Just got this on switch. Boy i am terrible. 298 words Hey Psyonix 154 words me_rl 203 words What are people's thoughts on the ranked rewards requirements? 185 words Go ahead Psyonix, justify this...