180 words How are today's youth supposed to give a fuck when the world has fucked us over? 176 words do people from the west care more about politics? 287 words You're a hypocrite if you think you're socially liberal but then do this to a friend 317 words Classmate death 12 years ago begins to Bother me more and more 126 words How to check in on a grieving person? 216 words Do I sound stupid to be so sceptical about going on antidepressants (zoloft)? 270 words Are people sensitive or am I just an asshole? 124 words Really want some long term internet friends but things always seem so hopeless 172 words I think people have a very warped idea of good and bad. 201 words what’s your guys opinions on all these manifestations and witchcraft and stones/crystals that’s blowing up all of a sudden? 198 words Was called racist for the first time ever today 226 words It’s highly shocking that incest related subs have only been quarantined, effectively condoning incest. 248 words My friend was raped by her uncle a week ago. What do I do for her? 192 words I feel ugly and im ashamed of it 168 words I desire belonging but am too afraid to set down roots. 184 words I'm insanely jealous of people who bond / make friendships so easily... I used to be that person. 162 words Why the fuck won't anyone hire me? 167 words Why is it that I don’t really fit in with other men? 349 words I regret digging up my mother's past to better understand her suicide 296 words I finally confronted my ex about his sexual assaults on me and he responded