139 words Career “ambition” and wife earning way more than me. . . 378 words How to deal with a trivial life and the lack of a greater purpose? 190 words As a kid, who was one of the first people that you viewed as your hero/role model? Real or fictional 121 words UPDATE: Stoics are too passive 147 words How Do You Not Let What Others Say/Do Affect You? 138 words How can I deal with having no control over my life? 102 words The Stoic Party...? 130 words Why not you are special? 167 words BUDS Class 234: Best Of Travis Lively US Navy SEAL 125 words Friend is telling me I "haven't been acting stoic" lately in regards to an issue with our roommate, but I think he fundamentally misunderstands stoicism. 122 words Would like to see the results 131 words Eating disorders and Stoicism 130 words Stoicism & Mental Illnesses 235 words No one cares about your life 177 words ''Don't let your imagination be crushed by life as a whole. Don't try to picture everything bad that could possibly happen. Stick with the situation at hand.'' -Marcus Aurelius 116 words It is the part of a wise man to resist pleasures, but a foolish man to be a slave to them. - Epictetus 175 words I quit my job, which I very much did not want to quit, due to COVID fears today. I did so not because I’m at risk of dying, but rather because I’m very afraid of getting COVID due to the unpleasantness of having it. I feel like I capitulated to my fear in a very un-stoic way. I want to be stronger. 143 words “Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them.” ~Eckhart Tolle 338 words A post about a marriage on the brink, real kindness, and rejecting the red pill. 282 words How can I use stoicism to not be bitter about my past?