132 words Unpopular opinion turns into a shitshow when an OP says there is zero reason to let a 14 year old should be wearing shorts that shows their ass, or in shorter words in OP's own words, like a hoe. Comments descend into chaos over the fact that they used hoe, among other things. 266 words A pinned r/cringetopia mod statement causes celebration and controversy. Can transphobic dogwhistles exist? What is the legacy of r/cringeanarchy? Are the mods based? 188 words r/StudentLoanDefaulters Mod takes stance against vaccines and liberal media. Permabans anyone who disagrees with him. 163 words /r/banpitbulls mod posts that white women have sex with dogs. Mod claims they're not racist. The comments go wild 241 words /r/banpitbulls mod posts that white women have sex with dogs. Mod claims they're not racist. The comments go wild 154 words "The way I see it pedophilia is at the same place the GLBTQ and the rest of the alphabet soup was about twenty five years ago." Intellectuals of r/conservative discuss paedophilia acceptance in US media 170 words Is calling something casually racist equals to racism? An explosive debate over the name "Sumting Wong" results in a dev banning a user in r/SpaceHaven 144 words Can the mods of /r/conservative ban your IP address from reddit? One user prepares a lawsuit against these alleged abuses 197 words With Olympic trials right around the corner, the users of /r/SeattleWA warm up for the Mental Gymnastics competition after a Pride event scheduled in a Seattle park is set to be free for all except for white people, who need to pay admition as a form of "reparations" 208 words FNAF creator Scott Cawthon announces retirement after recent controveries surrounding his political beliefs/donations. FNAF fans debate whether Twitter cancel cancel has gone too far or if it is ok to criticize people who fund republican politicians. 115 words Normality tries to return to r/TankieJerk after the failed coup, but some angry users remain 171 words Demi Lovato comes out as non-binary and changes pronouns to they/them; r/unpopularopinion user promptly makes a post stating that its just for money and attention, leading to various arguments:"Non binary doesn’t exist we need to stop this attention seeking BS","When will the pronoun trend be over?" 128 words A car blocks a bike path r/publicfreakout discuss whether the cyclist should be assaulted. 153 words Drama in r/ketogains when someone suggests to a cancer patient to ignore their doctor's instructions 141 words Derek Chauvin is found guilty of the murder of George Floyd. r/conservative disagrees with this verdict. 123 words A civil war occurs in WallStreetBets after mods refuse to post a new GME megathread 130 words Cis guys follow a girl into a girl's bathroom. Get beaten. Girl gets suspended. Redditors think it's the girls fault. Or... trans people's fault? Somehow? Idk what's happening anymore. 342 words r/actualpublicfreakouts discusses the body camera footage from the police officer who fatally shot a 13 year old boy, discussion include such topics as: Gun control, kids with guns, professional video editing software, gaslighting of children and "just don't run from cops". 344 words "They know videos like this shove a huge dagger through the veil of white guilt that makes people vote blue." r/actualpublicfreakouts suspect Reddit is going to shut them down because they show too many videos of rioters and looters. 400 words Jason Schreier writes an article about Sony. Gamers of r/PS5 are mad