176 words Hypothetically, if brokers are now left holding the bag what does look like for us? 186 words Theory: Brokers realized they're losing the game of hot potato 148 words DRS is the share recall. Stop floating around a "share recall". Only the lender of shares can recall them. Feels like people are pushing this idea to make others disappointed as to why it hasn't happened. We've been doing a share recall for more than half a year now. We are the recall. 220 words Doing my part. 133 words The OTC market! Shit guys, I need help stat. This may be their game. 585 words CNBC: Gamestop CFO is leaving the Company as retailer announces Layoffs [Layoffs are corporate positions and not store employees, I personally find this bullish AF] 324 words Counter Post to u/-einfachman- 's post on Popcorn being a Hedge for GME 146 words u/dilkmud0002 BAN or MOASS? COUNTDOWN: One WEEK—6 Trading Days until June 13 prediction 172 words $GME Daily Discussion + Megathreads | Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flair instructions 129 words Shareholder's Meeting Megathread | Starts @ 10am CDT / 11am EDT 219 words EVERYBODY needs to watch this! A professor is saying and explaining everything we are saying. He‘s exposing wallstreet and Jim clown Cramer. Upvote the linked post so that more people see it! I already shared it with everyone I know. 107 words NOOB here. It would be helpful if someone can either explain to me or point me in a direction that explains why Reverse Repo's going high is a danger to our economy? 116 words gamestop wants us to kick the hype into overdrive. 153 words RC DECIPHERED: WE'RE 100% GETTING WU TANG ALBUM 221 words proposed rule for moass: no posts that imply you've sold 118 words On a post about GameStop selling PC components. This man is absolutely here to help. 119 words On a post about GameStop selling PC components. This man is absolutely here to help. 159 words Remember 170 words My wife is at GDC, what questions would you like to ask Immutable X? 130 words Gamestop has more record holders than Apple, Google and Microsoft combined.