152 words Major Problem: a student is studying a lot 252 words Teacher exodus: Are teachers in your building leaving the profession? 177 words I want to speak up about my self harm and suicide attempt 130 words Serious Question. Can anyone actually explain why school administrators make more money than classroom teachers? 149 words Students bullying teachers? 120 words One of my teenage students is a rapist who threatened his mother at knifepoint, how do I professionally decline working with him? 129 words Is state-standardized testing a joke? 125 words Students won't graduate? Lower the bar! 136 words "If we weren't micromanaged." 143 words You can’t be angry at teachers for “indoctrinating” your children while also asking teachers to raise your children for you. 210 words Things need to change. 276 words Should LGBTQ+ People be Allowed to Teach? 123 words Should LGBTQ+ People be Allowed to Teach? 157 words Admin saying I’m not allowed to be “out” to students 383 words Becoming a teacher (as an introvert) 159 words Parents who automatically CC admin 127 words I would love some insight and thoughts on implementing silent lunches as collective punishments. 157 words Went into a meeting thinking I was going to get fired for a verbal exchange I had with a student, and the principal took my side! 295 words In order to effectively manage a classroom, you need a way to discipline kids that behave badly. Teachers have their hands tied in that regard, so how in the HELL are you supposed to manage a classroom?? 129 words Teachers in the center of class warfare