173 words What are logical fallacies done by TRP/MGTOW/Incels? 173 words Unintentionally Hilarious Chart Shows Young Men Having Way Less Sex, Women … Not So Much 165 words It's true 142 words Found in video “Women, stop being promiscuous”. Also included gems like “women keep DNA from all the men they sleep with” 159 words "Raping a foid is just enjoying public property" and other nauseating incel hot takes, Rape is also a Social Construct! 201 words Enforced monogamy will prevent "hordes of single men from violence" 144 words Do you feel sorry for red pill women? 191 words "It's a tough and controversial subject that most people don't want to discuss in any way because it makes them look like they justify abuse and/or are victim blamers." Yeah, wonder why. 200 words Looking at the 21 convention youtube, etc,...most of the main red pill guys don't appear to lift. Why press standards onto kids and gullible dudes that they can't even fulfill? Is this toxic masculinity or just lazy hypocrisy? 190 words Are there any women in computer programming that have the same shitty experience as me? 212 words Redditor finds out her BF read TRP and MGTOW, solicits advice 188 words Reactionaries discuss how women should be treated in alt-right civilization 236 words Don't believe the Disney lies! Time to face reality: You're actually a post-apocalyptic Messiah who is literally magic and will be rewarded with the eternal devotion of a Manic Pixie Dream Girl who wears a lot of leather. 217 words "Feminism Explained" by Reddit's own cult of personality hero Jordan Peterson. 211 words Height, dating, and body dysmorphia 426 words When you want to create an all male utopia 243 words Scary misogyny at r/incels - have you seen it? 198 words They're getting wierder... Now they force tickle women... Yes, force tickle. 308 words r/mgtow 662 words "Emma Watson says, "Gender equality not only liberates women but also men from prescribed gender stereotypes" as she dates an alpha male jock"