159 words Why is it okay for non-white people to cosplay white characters but the opposite is a huge problem? 166 words Does anyone have advice for life after going through extended trauma? 175 words What is with Reddit’s obsession with pit bulls? 179 words Why do women who falsely accuse men of rape barely get any kind of punishment? 145 words Is cheating really that common? 155 words Why do so many people believe that you can’t be racist to white folks ? 169 words Why do so many people believe that you can’t be racist to white folks ? 398 words Why is lobbying legal? Isn't it something damageable for democracy since rich people/corporation can basicaly decide to not pass a law that's wanted by a majority just by paying? How is it not considered corruption? 120 words Is it bad to set a boundary that I do not want female friend to stay overnight at his house? 235 words How do I get into dating as a 25(M) who weighs 450lb and has never dated before? 127 words Why are people with one black parent and one white parent simply referred to as being black? 191 words Why are people with one black parent and one white parent simply referred to as being black? 119 words Why do smokers get so offended when you say that you don't date smokers? 365 words Is it OK to want a provider? 488 words Is it okay to want a housewife? 276 words Why is height attractive? 154 words If someone is shot in the right lung do you roll the person onto their right side so their right lung fills with blood leaving the left unscathed and able to breathe or do you roll them onto their left side? 117 words Is our government really gonna just ignore 4 mass shootings in one weekend? 181 words How are people who work full time their whole lives not fucking miserable? 131 words Why do schools find school shootings so horrible yet don't crack down on bullying, which makes up a noticeably large percentage of motives for school shootings?