172 words Did you know that Isaac Newton and others geniuses through history were Christians, so do you think you're better than them? 425 words Gratitude as a non believer 122 words Tell me how you feel when someone says, "I'm sorry you don't believe", or "I feel sorry for people who don't believe in God". 315 words What are the implications of "Eternal Oblivion" on our life? 176 words Atheists, since you're not living for Jesus/God anymore, what are you living for now? 145 words How do I get my parents to stop praying when they visit? 292 words Feeling Alone In My Strong Beliefs 164 words Arguments against Catholicism and its philosophy? 346 words Why do so many former followers of Abrahamic religions despise the concept of filial piety? Having so much hatred they even cringe when atheists and other non-religious are submissive to older relatives in their family (especially parents)? 161 words Why should children have the right to religious independence when they are not independent in most other ways? 215 words I have a hard time respecting religious people 194 words Apparently we don't need veterinarians 171 words Should We Learn More About Muhammad? 442 words Here's why I don't feel the need to try to convert people to atheism 168 words Dualism Vs. Materialism 207 words I feel like Christian movies would be better if they weren't just part of the Christian genre. 1,205 words Harms of religion (XPost with /r/FreeAtheism) 358 words Did Understanding Evolution cause you to leave religion? 414 words I encountered an argument the other that I've never heard or read about before. Anyone have experience with this one? 531 words Questions from a curious Christian to the open minded and honest atheist