159 words You weren’t friend zoned, you’re probably just a creep. 140 words Is it unreasonable to want a man who’s not very interested in porn or pornified behavior? 146 words Is it unreasonable to want a man who’s not very interested in porn or pornified behavior? 155 words Do women actually get complimented that much? 161 words Life after 40? 224 words TW (SA): Have you confronted your abuser? 282 words Guys always say "If I was turned into a girl I'd let the homies hit it." No you wouldn't. You'd realize right fuckin quick why women don't let her "homies" have sex with them. 161 words I Realized That My Dad Is A "Creep" 163 words Stop trying to "make them understand" 188 words Apparently a lot men think that all women are going after a small percentage of men and I don't know how that even works 170 words Being a black woman in this society is exhausting 213 words I hate the jokes about women who can never pick a restaurant for supper. I do 100% of the meal planning, prepping, and cooking. When I want a night off, I want a night off from ALL OF THAT. 250 words Is anyone else very resistant to the idea of marriage? 250 words As a trans woman, I'm at my wits end being told to keep out of women's spaces. I want opinions from the women here. 134 words How do you find men who aren't podcast Tate loving gym bros? 128 words Men who call women “females” or “bitches” are automatic red flags to me, what are some red flags that automatically turn you off? 127 words Men who call women “females” or “bitches” are automatic red flags to me, what are some red flags that automatically turn you off? 230 words Husband "shushed" me. 265 words I can’t get over what my boyfriend did 308 words Reddit’s hatred of women is starting to effect me personally