142 words Shoe angry at AOC for supporting the deplatforming of Tucker Carlson 102 words I guess socialism is when pro-Russia 155 words Shoeonhead is spreading lies about Rebekah Jones' son by only showing a REDACTED warrant given by Florida police which doesn't show accounts that are posted in the chat when it seems that the son had a different account than the one posting the "threats". 181 words I have no words. Thanks Murdoch... 135 words He is not getting older or more conservative. Either leftists in US have collectively lost their minds or they were closet libertarians all along and don't want any social rules to exist in the public spaces. 207 words Unobjectionably the case. 263 words Do you think western leftists are hesitant to criticise Islam as much as christianity? 111 words Imagine property being a natural right 125 words The Chad Greta vs the 3 virgin cops needed to arrest her 197 words I Don’t Speak German had SophieFromMars on and it was bad… 126 words Since we are a mostly leftist sub, can we at least agree that a lot of the issues with AI art are because of capitalism? 379 words Cringetopia is at it again with Transphobia. That place needs to get banned already. 154 words Bad Empanada having a totally normal not-racist non-genocidal one. 308 words Has vaush ever walked back his kyle rittenhouse debate arguments? 118 words Has vaush ever walked back his kyle rittenhouse debate arguments? 173 words Thoughts? Worried that this will amplify conservatives. 120 words Since some of you don’t understand that dairy is cringe 170 words I thought Shoe on Head was a rational person? (FYI, Britain has had handgun ban since the 90’s) 260 words We know there are tips and guides on how to prevent a genocide, but there should be more on how to SURVIVE a genocide when one actually happens. 198 words Art is as much about interpretation as it is about intent.