120 words If you take the low road, you're not a victim when they meet you there [not oc] 105 words Ambulance and fire truck waiting for train 170 words Broke my arm in school and they gave me an ice pack and said "at least it isn't broken" 138 words My neighbors car getting stolen 135 words It’s a people dog…. 124 words Wondered why my pressure washer wouldn't start 177 words Turned out to be a Christmas gift too. 252 words How do I cut this person’s bike lock off my bike? 173 words Poor dad, with all his effort going down in drain. 141 words Half her face doesn't work 150 words Was really excited for some sour skittles. 192 words This really sucks. 2€ per litre in Finland. 160 words I was just chillin and felt a pop, what the actual hell. don’t have a backup pair either 220 words Just a bit too much 577 words Turned 18 yesterday. It now is 12 hours later and here I am in a train to idk where after being kicked out for not cleaning enough. Thanks mam! 181 words Saved 4 years to buy a BMW, 3-days later this piece of metal bounced on the highway into my headlight. Destroyed the headlight and the module. Dealership wants $2895 to fix it. 399 words I work at a ski resort. On my way down after one of our busiest days, some one made a sudden stop right in front of me and his ski ended up in my mouth chipping my tooth and making me even more self conscious about my smile. Also I don't have dental and my GFs flight here got canceled the same day 197 words Today’s my birthday. No one could make it over for pizza and games, the power went out and I twisted my ankle because I couldn’t see coming down the stairs. It’ll be me, the guitar, and some tears tonight. Happy 20th to me! 121 words ALL INTERNET CONNECTIONS CUT OFF IN MYANMAR (my country). PROTESTERS ARE BEING HALTED BY THE MILITARY AND POLICE. THESE ARE THE LAST IMAGES WE IN OTHER COUNTRIES RECIEVED. I need to let the world know, please tell me what I should do to achieve that. subreddits I can post, steps I can take etc. 178 words Opened up a new packageof butter while making dinner and all of them had mold