362 words Chads adhering to the 666 Rule are either happily married or dating elegant Slavic and Baltic ladies, not leathdhaoine like her! 149 words Read it carefully there are many things one can learn how to date next time carefully! There are so red flags that even I cant choose appropriate flair. Maybe all flairs! 142 words "There are only two types of men, but of course I chose the one wahmyns complain about! Tee-hee!" (forums.red x-post) 141 words [weekend content] "Operation: Marriage Material" -- It's interesting to see some of the common points made here in a non-manosphere article 123 words Meet the 35 year old ex-sex worker who now wants the white picket-fence life!! And also wants to recalibrate who she's attracted to because the guys she finds attractive don't find her attractive, and wants a "professional, clean cut" guy unlike the "lazy assholes" her friends ended up with. 188 words Alpha widow laments feeling single (because sexually unfulfilled) while in a committed relationship. She can't be satisfied with a good man that provides her with commitment (and love) because she has been broken by the 50+ cocks she had on the carousel...and that one that got away. 185 words Alpha widowed 3 sexual partners in. Her fiancé is doomed. 124 words Twitter is filled with tweets like these. 123 words Woman having trouble accepting she’s smashing into the wall. Asks Reddit for reassurance. 240 words Girl meets guy. They have common interests, they are attracted to one another, they have sex, he shows genuine interest and she's ready to move on. The lesson: Never give a woman more attention than it takes to get laid. 137 words [31-F] After years of CC an Italian woman who has already hit the wall is looking to settle down with a decent man, because her grandmother has told her it was time to do so. Sounds like a good deal! 255 words Men: Pay my shit, prove your worth and value to me, treat me like a goddess---- Fuckboys: "literally say hello and you're already winning" 124 words Carol finds out her "sweet, kind and dorky husband" is actually a ladies man once he hit his peak, only now he isn't hers anymore and "it hurts so much". 117 words "Overheard my girlfriend say she would leave me for someone taller. She's 4'11, I'm 5'9." 294 words Rationalization Hamster engaged--Full Power! Woman hits the wall and instead of realizing men aren't interested in her, she has to stroke her ego by calling them spineless instead of herself old and fugly. 127 words Am I the asshole for telling the truth? Comments are blue pilled as fuk in this thread 240 words Men are tired of being husbands by proxy for NO benefit or husbands directly for SLAVE benefits. Women seek out men with power and resources, so stop giving yours away for free. 131 words "[every man I desire] has the exact same thing in common: he is unattainable." 122 words What a catch! 4 kids, truck stop cashier, GREAT BS detector 155 words "I got a loving, handsome, considerate husband who I've been married to for 10 years, he makes me feel special, but I'm just not attracted to him. He took me to counseling and I understood I want to whore myself out, he's a nice cuck, so he will live in basement while I look for my special someone!"