145 words Grown man acts as a father for a decade just to drop the kid like a rock with no remorse and no sees anything wrong with that?? 139 words What kind of 28 year old woman takes time out of her day for calling a child ugly? 200 words Why does Reddit hate cheaters so much? 145 words AITA is literally so gross how they view adoption. Like let’s bully a suicidal adoptee in the middle of an identity crisis for being “ungrateful.” Adoptees are 4x more likely to attempt. These verdicts could at least try to show like an ounce of empathy 159 words Clearly the only reason bilingual people speak their non-English language is to mock those who don’t understand it. 135 words AITA for k¡ll¡ng the elf on the shelf? 358 words My kitten is a kitten that doesn't understand human rituals. AITA? 131 words The trope about letting your children have hardcore boundaries about who they're friends with 209 words Yeah, fuck that kid. Why should the stay at home mom be expected to be a good mother. The fucking nerve 161 words Yet another AITA couple that seems to hate each other. Bonus points for a vaguely sexist husband who doesn't seem to understand what a job is. 279 words I don't think you could fit more rage bait in this, with all the commenters saying its more than reasonable to act in such a way! 172 words Got confused what sub I was on thanks to this shitpost 171 words AITA for threatening to call the cops if my son's step-dad drives his car? 186 words This just in: Reddit experts have concluded that childfree people actually care MORE about the well-being of children than everyone else. Incredible 215 words Anyone else hate the phrase "go no contact"? 131 words This... this is just absolute BULL! I have never heard of ANYONE doing this with their ex, because it's moronic. 134 words Your wedding your rules doesn't apply today, not sure why. Announcing a pregnancy at a wedding is also perfectly fine today. Not sure why 134 words AITA Mod Application is interested in your kid's pictures. 156 words The Journey from AITA to AmITheAngel 232 words What are your most hated AITA stories of all time?