146 words What do you think is the biggest, "where were you when" moment in your life? 124 words If You Could Destroy One Corporation In The World With No Negative Repercussions, Which Would It Be? 783 words Why am I fat when I exercise, work in construction, walks and eat properly? 150 words Is it normal for American people to call their wife « the wife »? 215 words (Trigger warning)I’m a bit out of the loop so forgive me for this question but what are trans people facing in America that puts them in danger? And what rights to non trans people have that trans people don’t? 142 words How do i get my family to stop forcing me to be Muslim? 447 words Why does everything in the world seem broken right now? 179 words should i feel guilty for smoking weed? 161 words Settle an argument for me- is it normal to pee in the shower? 368 words Be honest. How did you lose your weight? 257 words Would you abort a child if it was disabled? 168 words Does this seem like narcissistic parenting to you? 210 words How did you start a new career? 137 words Is it wrong if me(24F) to wear my boyfriends deceased wife's clothing? 127 words Gun lovers of Reddit: What is the biggest stereotype about you that is not true? 266 words Why do people compare the worst parts of the US to the best parts of Europe? 121 words How do you become less spiteful about growing Older? 201 words How old are you and how much money do you have in your savings account? 215 words People who were adults before the internet became mainstream- what did you do with your free time? 210 words What was your worst experience with the police?