126 words Is the gay community as a whole transphobic? 121 words Can people really tell if someone doesn’t love themselves? 135 words Ugly ducklings of askgaybros, what is your story and what is an ugly truth you learned about people/Society as a result? 146 words Im madly in love with a friend and I don't know what to do 456 words How did you get over the fear of being catfished? 164 words How to bottom for the first time 189 words How to stop feeling lonely? 129 words Does gay lifestyle make you feel depressed? 255 words New Relationship Anxiety, why do I always do this to myself? 226 words Have you ever met or dated a psychopath, sociopath, or megalomaniac? What was it like? 174 words Supreme Court (of Canada) rules that condom use counts as consent under sex assault law 148 words What was your scariest Grindr interaction? 266 words WIBTA if I reject a guy because he's "demisexual"? 184 words Where have all the sensitive caring dom tops gone? :( 313 words "Gender ideology" is just the Gay Agenda 2.0. 265 words Are gay men/boys at a higher risk of sexual abuse or assault? 151 words Are most tops in the closet? 160 words Why are people on streets vastly more attractive than 99% of what you see on apps? 136 words Guys, what is your stance on cops not being allowed at Pride Events? 189 words I'm a mostly straight guy (like 15% bi), and my only two gay friends are physically attracted to me but I am not attracted to them. How do I stay being their friend but establish a boundary?