592 words Why do we only ever hear about AFAB detransitioners? 189 words Why do you guys let yourself be defined by pronouns if they arent the same as gender? 167 words How many of you felt apathetic towards romance before realizing you wanted to transition? 225 words Toys? 403 words Why do I feel so different whenever I dress up as a girl? 163 words Any trans Canadians absolutely terrified of the seemingly inevitable rise of transphobia here? 375 words Has anyone else made it years into transition not passing? I'm so dysphoric about the idea that I'll just never pass, and I feel very much alone. 144 words Can y’all answer my questions about trans women? 214 words What's your stance on self-ID laws? 126 words How do you feel safe or positive with the world so hostile towards us? 140 words Why does it seem like dysphoric trans fems are a minority in trans fem spaces? 122 words gender exploration when on drugs? 240 words I hear a lot about MtF women who are lesbians. I haven't heard much about FtM guys who are gay. Do you all have stories where you were married to a man and became a man or your wife/SO transitioned and stayed together? 147 words Microdosing 149 words Can you get orgasm after HRT? 196 words Traveling Abroad while Trans 261 words Is it normal for a cis person to worry that they may be trans? 146 words The "Typical Trans" person (FTM) (Rant) 117 words Why do trans people often look younger than their actual age? 429 words How do you separate the author from their work?