125 words Thoughts about the phrase "Profound autism?" 177 words Is it normal for me to be extremely mad at my parents for not realising i was autistic sooner? 225 words How do I cope with everyone I love is going to die one day and the people that I love and care are going to cease to exist when the time comes how do I learn to cope with it? 151 words Do you ever gaslight yourself into thinking you're not autistic? 147 words saw this on twitter 127 words It's rough being black with autism 131 words My uncle started my day out real well /s 150 words Autistic people who were diagnosed as adults: were you good at masking as a kid, or did you just get zero individualized attention? 194 words What was "the Thing" you did as a child that screamed ASD? 132 words all the comments are saying how this is bad parenting and kids need to be forced to socialize. how do y’all feel about this? 202 words Diagnosis IS a privilege 137 words Is there a way to get rid of a special interest? 285 words Self Diagnosis 213 words norulmal 143 words One does not simply choose their special interests meme 288 words Does anyone else ever feel in some way lesser? 167 words When you spent months/years trying to get a diagnosis and you finally get one 161 words I misinterpreted someone’s comment and they looked through my Reddit history and got upset that I apparently use autism as my identity, I guess because I post and comment a lot in autism related subs. 201 words Want to see what this sub actually thinks 159 words I made a tough decision that pissed off a former good friend and I need to vent about it to fellow autistic people.