201 words Comic - Autism Research 162 words dae like to walk "weirdly" when they're alone? i don't know how to explain it properly 190 words What does this subreddit think about ABA therapy? 137 words Is my 5 years ldr high functioning autistic boyfriend douchy or just can't forgive minor things because of autism? 123 words When picking a gender for your character in games, which one do you choose? 145 words Thanks For Invalidating Me, Really Appreciate It 291 words As an autistic guy how can I learn how to date? 271 words Does anyone else sometimes feel a certain resentment towards left-leaning movements, despite being left-leaning themselves? 162 words Why does it feel like nobody cares about autistic adults? 160 words I HATE CAPITALISM 169 words i’m so sick of the gatekeeping in gaming. so i can’t play a game just bc i like the story???? accommodations are not difficult to add 246 words wrote a poem about growing up autistic without knowing it,,,, it’s messy but so was the experience lol 187 words The original take versus the new. Offensive, or empowering? 278 words What can I do to help my sister become more independent/transition into adulthood? 201 words Tired of hearing how getting a diagnosis because you demonstrated autistic traits at a young age is a privilege 233 words If you could become a neurotypical with the press of a button... would you press that button? 120 words Not feeling worthy of a relationship 150 words Buffalo NY installs Caution "Child with Autism" signs. And I am not okay with them! 238 words I hate how Neurotypicals are so cruel to other people yet were accused of having no empathy 201 words A request for help