102 words DPG Media verkozen tot meest aantrekkelijke werkgever van 2023 108 words Reactionaire haatcampagnes stoten vrouwen van publiek toneel 449 words Thinking Thursday 150 words What is the difference of jobs with 38 hour week vs 40 hour week? 109 words Statiegeld - deposit 140 words Should Belgium add English as one of its official languages? 118 words What's your salary? 2022 edition 127 words Amper 1 op de 3 Vlaamse studenten haalt bachelordiploma na 3 jaar: "Noch voor individu, noch voor maatschappij een goede zaak" 427 words I love true crime. This past summer, I did something I have always wanted to do: I visited Charleroi to view and photograph the addresses of Marc Dutroux's former residences. (Descriptions in comments.) 243 words How to save money in Belgium? 424 words Twelve-year-olds score worse for math and ICT, Education Minister Weyts: "Results are alarming" 135 words How large are the transfers between Flanders and Wallonia? 201 words Sporza-journalist Eddy Demarez weer aan de slag als commentator: "Toegeven dat je fout hebt gemaakt, verrijkt je leven" 359 words Serious question: why are the “vrijheidskonvooien” protesting literally 5 days before almost all restrictions are lifted? 106 words What region of Belgium is the standard, Flemish "news" anchor accent based off of? 246 words Zeg nu nog eens dat de kwaliteit van ons onderwijs erbarmelijk is 168 words Expats/immigrants in Belgium: what are some of the quirks you've noticed 364 words Meaningless Friday 125 words Parket opent onderzoek naar Pukkelpop-organisator Chokri Mahassine 248 words Not Belgian, but I admire your system, economy, politics, based on the info I have. But I've never been to Belgium and I want to see if my impression is accurate. How good would you say your country is?