150 words Mod from BJJ Facebook pages Doug Pothul passed away from Covid 1,125 words My coach slept with my wife, and then tried to have me arrested when I found out. 166 words Would you be open to/want to (with more priority) date someone from your dojo? Why or why not? 277 words Where would you focus, if you had my goals? 136 words Are my instructors standards for a promotion normal? 146 words Bad parts of the BJJ community 165 words The joy that is, watching normies talk/act tough. Anyone else get it? Fun examples/stories of times you knew they didn’t know? I just find it funny thinking about all the actually tough people I deal with all the time whenever I hear some random Chad talking hard. Discuss! 127 words Am I Being Too Sensitive? 247 words Nervous I forgot everything I learned 121 words Don't know if I'm comfortable with how my school is dealing with COVID 128 words Dear BJJ Gym owners: just list your price, man. 163 words Is Gracie University better than most BJJ schools from a pedagogy standpoint? 173 words BJJ, traditional martial arts, morals, and role models 236 words High Profile BJJ Instructor behaving inappropriately? 178 words Might be out for like a year and a half 364 words The judo roots of 10th planet Jiu Jitsu 296 words I'm planning on starting BJJ post-COVID. Is there anything I can do in my room to prepare? 669 words Has anyone in this community contracted Coronavirus 125 words Since catch wrestling is a progenitor to BJJ, we must show respect to these giants upon whose shoulders we stand 224 words The importance of head positioning in Jiu-Jitsu — BJJ Mental Models