449 words UK I have been my former school teacher's 24/7 BDSM slave since my 18th birthday AMA 248 words I'm catching feelings for a married man. It sucks. AMA 201 words I am a straight guy who stumbled upon a gloryhole ask me anything 102 words I stopped calling myself a feminist after 12 years because of the abuse I faced within the movement, AMA 144 words My Best Friend died in an extremely rare and very unusual way. AMA. 231 words IAmA 'Hindu Nationalist', born in Britain and relocated to India AMA. 238 words I (31F) brought a homeless man (19M) into my home and currently helping him get back on his feet, AMA 184 words 32, no friends, virgin etc - have barely slept over the past couple of days working on a computer code...ama 200 words I do solo wilderness camping. Will often go days without seeing another person. AMA. 115 words IAMA pitbull owner who believes that bully breeds should be slowly and humanely phased out of existence, AMA! 131 words I (38F) have an unusual fetish. I love measuring/documenting my sexual partners and I keep records of all of it. AMA! 270 words I am the boyfriend of a trans(mtf)partner 168 words Regular 28 year old guy AMA! 133 words I believe we live in a simulator created by aliens. AMA 298 words I work in Healthcare developing educational resources for people dealing with mental health and/or addictions. I'm also certified in life skills coaching and peer support. Happy to give advice. AMA 160 words I am a 22F who is an alcoholic. I just started AA and I’m now officially 11 days sober. AMA 192 words what's general anesthesia like for surgery's be honest....? 138 words I am disgusted by the American Democratic party. AMA. 146 words I believe that the left/liberals/Democrats in the United States are completely psychotic and destructive, and because of that will lose in November. AMA. 139 words I (29) am a bisexual man who recently came out to my girlfriend of almost 5 years, AMA.