129 words r/movies decides to use an article about how actors of color deserve to be cast in large franchises without being subjected to racist harassment to voice their opinions on the evils of diversity 179 words Redditors turn their brains off and marvel at how PETA set a 100% real booby trap on a hiking trail to target oppressed hunters 129 words hot take: we should get antinatalism out of leftist spaces 225 words /r/teenagers advocates for domestic violence and abuse 170 words Racism towards whites is rare 145 words Letting Trump win is good, actually 152 words r/ItsAFetish tries really really hard to misrepresent a comic 144 words not the worst comment section for a trans related post but after just five seconds of scrolling there's some dumb shit like "shaped like a penis or a vagina it's a penis". can't wait for three hours from now when it's 100 times worse. 136 words Well whaddaya know: on Reddit, bitch is synonymous with "woman" 161 words PewdiepieSubmissions shares a tweet by Ben Shapiro in response to the NZ mosque terrorist attack carried out by Neonazis. 157 words DAE think Jenny was a slut ?!?!!! 125 words /r/nothingeverhappens turns into /r/thatHappened when discussing hate crimes 126 words "I actually unironically believe that another 4 years of Donald Trump will be better for this country and the world in the longterm than having another corporate neoliberal shill Dem president" 217 words aw look how likable and thoughtful this war criminal is! 178 words Gun Nuts admit that black people are the reason they have guns and are to blame for all crime and danger in the US 339 words r/politics claims that without guns the US would turn into Nazi Germany, North Korea, or Russia 275 words Let's take a break from Black Panther and trash talk the other major movie that's not about straight white able-bodied men. 139 words r/television defends Aziz Ansari and goes to #1 on r/all within two hours 252 words Reddit reacts to Max Landis Allegations: "Zoe Quinn is a parasite", "Twitter court is in session I guess lulz" etc. 165 words Gib me twailer