297 words [BREAKING] 420 dead after United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz drags surgeon from active OR. Asked for comment, Munoz said "ayy lmao". 7 words BREAKING NEWS: UNITED AIRLINES ADOPTS NEW LOGO 207 words Give me karma. This will show up under give me karma on google. 3 words BREAKING NEWS: President Donald J. Trump signs executive order to reduce minority voting power to two-fifths, says "the Three-Fifths Compromise was a bad business deal" 277 words Camera Shutter Speed Synced to Bernie Sanders licking Nintendo Switch Cartridge 171 words Females of reddit, describe your sex life so I can jack off to it. 1,483 words Here is a picture of Bernie, give me karma 856 words Hillary Clinton: "My asshole is burning" 832 words Hey you unfunny sob's 832 words E 538 words somebody once told me 898 words somebody once told me 322 words somebody once told me 288 words 卐 卐 KEN BONE 卐 卐 卐 卐 KEN BONE 卐 卐 卐 卐 KEN BONE 卐 卐 卐 卐 KEN BONE 卐 卐 卐 卐 KEN BONE 卐 卐 卐 卐 KEN BONE 卐 卐 卐 卐 KEN BONE 卐 卐 卐 卐 KEN BONE 卐 卐 卐 卐 KEN BONE 卐 卐 卐 卐 KEN BONE 卐 卐 卐 卐 KEN BONE 卐 卐 328 words What was "the repost" at your school? 330 words What is a complete NO-NO at a FUNERALS? 301 words If I can't fart in McDonald's, then what the hell is life for? 396 words Donald J. Trump Dead at age 70 34 words What is this sub? 771 words BREAKING NEWS! BREAKING NEWS! BREAKING NEWS! BRRRrRRRRREAKiIinnnNG NEEEEeewWSSS! Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton CAUGHT in massive karma mining scheme, SAD!