130 words Greta Thunberg tells 'View' hosts that climate activists must now go beyond 'legal methods'. As for herself, she will never spend a minute in jail. 256 words My job is a time traveler from the year 2053. Ask me anything. 209 words Can't wait to see what they come up with next! 123 words Nobody's perfect. Ye has apologized for the tweet and said he didn't mean "all Jews are bad," obviously. But the most important thing Ye has done is call out the CIA. No member of Congress will call them out. They are disgusting, weak. Only two artists in history have called out CIA: Tupac and Ye 143 words Feds Cooked Up Detailed Propaganda Plan to Push COVID Shots, Documents Reveal 122 words Muh Climate Change 172 words Anyone else noticing what seems like a surge in ‘shills’? 142 words the truth 196 words To keep things rolling I thought I would some images 176 words Elon Musk calls CERN's Large Hadron Collider a 'demonic technology' 146 words interesting 197 words Things you aren’t allowed to talk about; post removed in 11 minutes. 122 words Everything lines up with the simulaton 131 words What’s going on with our air, rain, and soil? 265 words come on bro just do it plzzz 170 words If you were forced to take a vaccine under duress then you were forced to take a vaccine. 206 words Vegan Brainpower? 214 words John McAfee talks about how the CIA took over the US in 1960 and killed Kennedy two weeks after he seriously started trying to disband it. He says presidents are all puppets, they get fake intel from the CIA and just act. An unelected group of drug running, war mongering criminals runs our country 353 words Vaccine is NOT About Health, it's a power grab - My Key Observations 153 words What We Know About Global Warming