119 words When a client asks "What benefits did we get from the project?" 307 words Is my Accenture Compensation Acceptable? 120 words It’s been exactly 2 months since I’ve been on the bench at a B4. I am deathly afraid of getting laid off 346 words How are your bonuses determined as a consultant? 199 words Pay For Access Consulting - Pricing Question 153 words Interested in becoming a consultant? Post here for basic questions, recruitment advice, resume reviews, questions about firms or general insecurity (Q3 2022) 158 words Consulting is a totally different career to what I imagined. Help? 127 words Barely acknowledge my team other than my direct report. Bad? 214 words HR/benefits consulting career alternatives 332 words View from the inside: how I view MBB vs Tier-2 when hiring on my corporate strategy team 155 words How does everyone set up their work from home devices? 113 words AMA - Current MBB Senior Manager / Associate Partner - Part 3 117 words Pivoting from a consulting role that’s turned into internal audit 118 words hOpE yOu hAd a GrEAt wEeKenD 152 words Megathread for COVID-19 impact on consulting jobs (current consultants, incoming full-time hires and interns, prospective candidates) 118 words Interested in becoming a consultant? Post here for basic questions, recruitment advice, resume reviews, questions about firms or general insecurity (Q3 2020) 145 words Megathread for COVID-19 impact on consulting jobs (current consultants, incoming full-time hires and interns, prospective candidates) 147 words McKinsey Called Our Story About Its ICE Contract False. It’s Not. 229 words Friend: are you free this Saturday? Would love your help building a deck. Me: Sure, I don't mind lending a hand 147 words How do any of you give a shit about this job?