173 words What to look for in a Data Science bootcamp? 207 words Is data science boring? 234 words Let's share some resources to improve out soft-skills 101 words Weekly Entering & Transitioning - Thread 07 Nov, 2022 - 14 Nov, 2022 308 words How Did You Get Your Job? 195 words Has anyone left or considered leaving data science because of the need for "full stack data scientists"? 142 words Do you really need a higher degree than B.S to be hired? 730 words Got hired as a data steward, feel like I'm incredibly lagging behind 192 words First Job Offer after 6 months of job searching, nervous to negotiate 117 words Thinking about going to college to become a data scientist. Have a few questions. 114 words Requesting to use a software of my choice as an intern? 154 words Computer Science Data Science Double Major 175 words For someone who's trying to break into data science, what percentage of their recent experience should be ML related on their resume? 225 words Tips for transitioning into DS form a QA position? 525 words As someone working mostly independently in their first job out of grad school, what should I do to ensure I'm developing professionally? 367 words Weekly Entering & Transitioning Thread | 10 Jan 2021 - 17 Jan 2021 148 words Advice? I like Time Series but don't have experience in it (just in other stuff) 165 words I am both Data Scientist / Engineer, was this a bad move? 245 words International Students beware of Data Science masters 146 words Daily reminder that bootcamps only exist to take your money and will not get you a job.