149 words I (m32) Found out girlfriend(f20) of 3 months slept with two of my friends(m30s) 117 words Getting the 'I only see you as a friend' from every single woman 161 words He (33) lied to me (20) about his age for years and is actually 44. 231 words Learn how to handle rejections and break ups: Don’t react negatively, just say something like: “ok, bye” and don’t ask anything more. Don’t make yourself look desperate or angry. Be mature and keep your life moving on. 170 words A cute guy asked for my number and I rejected him but regret it 137 words Is being single for over 10+ years a red flag? 204 words I (28F) got out of a 7 year long relationship in September, and I am struggling to navigate being single and all the unexpected problems that have come with casual dating. 158 words How to really know know if a guy really likes you or just want to sleep with you? 179 words Weekly Vents and Successes Thread - March 20, 2023 358 words I (19f) got proposed to after 2 days of knowing the guy and don’t know what to do 161 words Weekly Vents and Successes Thread - March 06, 2023 150 words I got a hickey from a ONS and have a date tomorrow, what do I do? 458 words He doesn’t know what he wants? Pls help 298 words Guys: does it annoy you when a girl insists you pay for her on the first date? 216 words Did cold approaching work for you if you didn't have a lot of luck on the apps? 150 words Do you feel youll never meet somoene again? 252 words Finally asked my crush out and got rejected. 221 words Hot then cold... Ladies, I need your honest opinion 172 words Am I rude for refusing to see a guy after he tried to invite himself over to my place? 278 words Wondering if this progression is legit or I need to move on?