300 words Grandmother just shared this. I wanna break it apart point by point who wants to help? 223 words Why are Christians convinced that they are so oppressed? 157 words Christians make me sick 135 words Has anyone else converted to Buddhism after leaving Christianity? 286 words Jesus suffered every human pain at the cross so he knows how you feel 261 words Feedback please! A LOT of teenage girls follow me on social media and I feel obligated to tell them why Christianity was a dangerous worldview for me as a young woman. 206 words My dad killed my skink simply because he was a reptile 216 words I'm trying it out. I don't know. I'm very scared, confused, and terrified. 613 words Do you ever get scared you're going to go through a hard time and your family will manipulate you into believing in God again? 808 words Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University 279 words Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University 197 words Why did you leave? 426 words Evidence for Christian God not existing? (as opposed to merely existing as a malevolent, deceitful, lying, evil, maltheistic figure) 236 words You're right, I never believed! 238 words Anyone else unable to even process any Christian text or conversations with Christians now? 435 words What was the focus of your church? 246 words Giving validation to some Christian accusations of deconversion 201 words [Serious/Support/Advice] My fiancé is still Christian and he doesn't know I'm not anymore. I'm still going to church with him. 369 words To hell with the pastor's wife!!! 491 words I (22F) want to move in with my boyfriend (23M). How to break the news to my parents?