263 words Newbie here. Finally told a potential client that I'm not working for insultingly low pay. 147 words How do I answer to "Why are your prices so high?" 125 words I have a client who calls me "mama" ... Please make it stop. 174 words What service to cold email with? 380 words How are Fiverr graphic designers able to work so cheaply? 210 words As a freelancer - I've sometimes found it difficult to navigate the clients employee mindset. For example I find they have to fill a 38 hour week, so meetings drag on far longer than they need to, or long winded phone calls, while I want to get a good job done fast. How do you deal with this? 300 words A rant about fellow freelancers 198 words Client is Threatening Legal Action Against Me 311 words Right way to pay yourself? (S Corp, only employee, work full-time at another company, sporadic income) 180 words Starting up from nothing 317 words Health Insurance has become one of the most stressful aspects of Freelancing...anybody know of any insurance co-operatives or alternatives for freelancers? 184 words Client won't pay me after work has been finished... 317 words Client keeps changing my project/deadlines and I feel like I'm not making enough for this. How do I renegotiate? 324 words Full-time freelancers, how do you go about finding new clients? 342 words Software Security for Freelancers 332 words Best place to register/tax residency in EU? 484 words Fear of starting out 316 words Has anyone else realised that 'they're not cut out for freelance work' ? 594 words A year of freelancing – my experiences with self-employment as a software engineer 423 words Doubleyourfreelancing.com, ugurus.com, and many others are in the business of selling freelancers information about how to make more money. I'd like to know your opinion on these services.