125 words [Advice]How do you train your brain to stop avoiding things as an automatic response to anxiety? 122 words [Plan] I'm a p**sy, I'm not going to try to wake up early. My new plan is be productive until I fall asleep (2 am - 4 am) 486 words [Plan] Full Winter Break Plan 176 words [Question] Can someone explain why I want to start everything all at once instead of slowly even though it always fails when I do that so I end up doing nothing.And this has been going on for years like a never ending cycle feeling like I am in the depths of a hell of my own making and posting this? 421 words [Need Advice] What's stopping me all the time? 142 words [need advice] im 21 & my life is out of control 160 words [NeedAdvice] my day usually gets ruined when i fail at one task 257 words [NeedAdvice] I’m failing school and I can’t make myself do the work 217 words [NeedAdvice] i can't enjoy living anymore 175 words [Plan] Wednesday 24th February 2021; please post your plans for this date 322 words [NeedAdvice] 20M shut-in: wasting life and I can’t bring myself to care 151 words Don't Waste Your 20s, Some Things to Consider [ADVICE] 333 words [Need Advice] Rewarding myself? Goals never feel good 190 words [Question] Why am I feeling socially isolated? 613 words [Method] Morning Routine for Students 150 words [METHOD] for men that struggle with motivation, please read 137 words [Advice] I'm stuck in life living the life of a teenager in my mid 20s and don't know how to get out 281 words [NeedAdvice] How can I stop myself from looking at my ex's social media? 211 words [Advice] Sit straight. 189 words [Method] 100 Day Ultimate Self Improvement (UPDATE) “I’ve failed again...”