131 words What's your preferred way to deal with jet griefers? 133 words Looks like it will never be completed.. 134 words Fellow Console players! Stop playing! The PC Issue can't be allowed to be ignored 136 words The Issi Rally is another time limited car - available only through February 1st. Fucking insane lmao 237 words Simple Question and FAQ Thread 133 words Found this fun bug. Sprint 1st person holding a Mk2 weapon and spam jump button over rail until your player flys into the air. Seems to work on just behind and slightly to the left of the cactus. I hope you and your friends can have fun with this. 303 words What new cars would u like to see 145 words Why is this all GTAO has to offer 255 words Cayo perico heist 194 words When did ya snap. 180 words Is the Kosatka heist worth the price of the Kosatka? 247 words Suspicion: 100% 194 words Pariah Spoiler Invisible after Cayo Perico Update 124 words I spent more time doing deliveries in vans, trucks, helicopters and planes than actually riding bikes 219 words Yellow or riot. 163 words I am unlocking the 14th Casino Heist trade price.. AMA 175 words Introducing the Oppressor MKIII with infinite homing orbital canons which can lock onto anything that lives and breathes. A fucking bike faster than a millitary grade jet. Get yours now from Warstock at a cheap price of 50 million dollars. 180 words Me and my friend have finally gotten our dream cars in GTA Online. How do they look? 144 words The Oppressor needs to go. It is the worst vehicle in the game and just the ultimate sign in any public lobby that "Hey, if you try to do anything, we'll blow you up, and you can't do a damn thing about it" 198 words Everytime