139 words I received a notice of pending action - service of process letter to my parents home. Is this real? 373 words American law question about a two term president as a VP 169 words Can you subpoena witnesses after a trial? 127 words So the advice goes don't talk to the police without a lawyer. What would the conversation typically be like if you talk to the police with a lawyer? Lots of "don't answer that"? What does a lawyer bring to the table? 119 words What's a fair amount to request when asking for punitive damage in small claims of just a mere $100 in unpaid dues owed? 421 words I was told this was not a request for legal advice on the legal advice subreddit, so I'm asking it here 155 words Can I accept bribe money and immediately turn it in to the police as evidence without being charged myself? 140 words Is this gun trafficking? 137 words Can a defendant request or mention jury nullification? 170 words I'm an author writing a story involving court proceedings for corporate espionage... anyone with some knowledge of the subject who could help me out? 150 words If a crime has surpassed the statue of limitations, what is stopping some old criminals from coming out and bragging about what they've done? 344 words Municipal Corporations and the 7th amendment 161 words Unlawful Eviction/Landlord Threats 336 words (TX) Can I still ask my psychotherapy patients to show my proof of vaccination if they want to be mask-free? 209 words If Neanderthals were resurrected, which are technically humans, how would the law apply to them? 192 words UK - Viewing illegal content without realising it 128 words HIPPA and covid vaccine 125 words Does Target have any liability in selling 1000s of dollars in gift card scams? 252 words How is the National Guard considered a militia? 129 words Hypothetical. Could a "porch pirate" sue for bodily injury if injured on your property?