208 words I think om.fairly confident in my sexuality as hetero male, and hetero flexible seems the most obvious one for me 131 words Can we agree mandatory drag shows in schools like in California is so far from supporting LGBT and just went directly to weird targeting? 153 words Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks 'gyrating drag queens' are 'sexualizing' kids into thinking that they are transgender 126 words I've finally accepted and come out as they/them. Is it right for me to use men's restroom as I'm a cis girl? 131 words Anyone else find it difficult to be friends with cishet people? 146 words Please help me understand neopronouns 279 words How can I look more feminine? Thanks to a very caring redditor, I had to reupload. My prescription was visible. Stupid me. 137 words I’ve always taken pride on how welcoming the LGBT community is as a whole. I feel most are positive and open arms to whoever may come around. But I also feel we’re the most easily triggered group, out of all the minority groups. 488 words Regarding Kakuma Camp 162 words Can cis people here please not speak for trans people? 123 words As an Asexual, it’s sad that we’re still the least accepted in the spectrum. 135 words Can someone explain why Non-binary people sometimes use binary pronouns? (she/they she/her he/him they/he) 181 words TFW you might be non binary 131 words Scared no one will take my transness seriously because I don’t intend to medically transition 188 words Please, share 166 words Who is your favorite Queer Icon? 211 words I think my bf is trans 230 words I want to come out but I don’t want to lose my family. So I continue to live as a cis man 128 words I think my dad is gay 123 words The idea that someone is fine with lgbt people as long as "they don't show it off" is so frustrating because it pretty much covers every aspect of being lgbt. Also straights don't know anything about lgbt people